osteoarthritis of the hip

It is necessary to comprehensively treat arthrosis of the hip joint, and it will help eliminate the provoking factors of the disease and reduce pain, as well as inflammation. In this way, it is possible to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms associated with pain and dysfunction of the limbs that occur with this disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of this pathology is important and consists in conducting an X-ray examination in several projections.

Causes and extent of the river

The provoking factors that cause the development of arthritis include the following phenomena:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • weakness of the musculoskeletal corset;
  • anomalies in the structure of the skeleton;
  • history of trauma;
  • Inflammation;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • purulent infections;
  • heavy physical work or sports;
  • advanced age.

There are 3 stages of the course of the pathological process. Thus, arthrosis of the 1st degree of the hip joint is characterized by the appearance of pain only after physical exertion, and there are no other symptoms of the disease. The next stage is characterized by constant pain, even at rest. X-ray examination shows narrowing of the joint space. Grades 1 and 2 are reversible conditions with proper and timely treatment, but without therapy they quickly progress to a more severe form. As the arthrosis progresses, the pain becomes excruciating and restricts the mobility of the femur in the hip joint. The muscles of the lower extremities atrophy and do not perform their functions. Typical for the 3rd degree of hip arthrosis is the detection of osteophyte proliferation.

symptoms of pathology

arthritic hip pain

The first symptom of the disease is severe pain in the thigh when moving.

Arthrosis of the hip joint is characterized by the appearance of such manifestations:

  • pain syndrome induced by physical activity;
  • fever, while body temperature ranges from normal to subfebrile;
  • atrophy of the musculoskeletal corset;
  • lameness;
  • Limb deformity associated with massive edema and the formation of osteophytes;
  • change in limb length;
  • Crunching noises when moving the TBS.

Deforming arthrosis develops more frequently in the area of the right than in the left hip joint.

Characters are expressed depending on the stage of the process. Often the patient's whole leg hurts completely, which is associated with injury or inflammation of the nerve endings that pass near the joint. At the same time, arthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree is characterized by the occurrence of rest pain. And there is also stiffness of movements, especially in the morning. This is caused by the accumulation of intra-articular exudate around the neck and head.

The hyaline cartilage atrophies, so the joint space is significantly narrowed, which provokes the appearance of a characteristic crunch during movement and shortens the length of the limb. In this case, the femur is destroyed and the density of its tissues is lost. Osteopathy is progressive in nature and is associated with trophic disorders of the tissues. The development of chronic inflammation is a provoking factor in the destruction of the hip joint. Therefore, foci of pathological ossification or osteophytes appear. This is typical for 2 3 and sometimes the first degree of the course of the disease.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

A traumatologist can identify arthrosis of the hip joint in a patient during an external examination and questioning of the course of the disease. X-ray examination is used to confirm the diagnosis. In the picture, arthritis looks like a seal and deformity of the pelvic ends of the thigh. As a result, the head is significantly enlarged. An important symptom of the disease is the formation of osteophytes, which is also well recognized using this method.

what is dangerous

Walking with a cane for hip arthritis

The hip joint is part of the human musculoskeletal system. Therefore, a violation of its functions leads to immobilization of the patient and, over time, provokes the onset of disability. In addition, the inflammation spreads to the pelvic bones, causing problems with urination and defecation. It is possible to injure the nerve endings passing near the head of the femur, which leads to a violation of the tactile sensitivity of the limb.

The progression of the disease leads to the formation of cartilage defects, their abrasion and cracking. Particles of cartilage penetrate the joint cavity and cause aseptic or "sterile" inflammation that occurs without the involvement of pathogens.

Further, the inflammatory process spreads to the bone tissue, causing aseptic necrosis (necrosis) of the areas of the acetabulum and femoral head. Bone growths - osteophytes - are formed, which injure the surrounding tissues, aggravate the inflammatory process and cause severe pain.

In the advanced stage of the disease, signs of periarthritis appear when soft tissues close to the joint (muscles, ligaments, nerves, vessels) are affected. The finale of the disease is the complete destruction of the joint, which leads to its immobilization - ankylosis of the hip joint.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint

Therapy of joint diseases should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the process. It is necessary to be treated with drugs, and if necessary, they resort to surgical intervention. The complex effect also includes folk remedies in the form of herbal medicine, designed to complement the main therapy. When the exacerbation of the disease has been overcome, physiotherapy is used. They also help when there is a beginning pathological process. Preventing arthrosis is the right diet. Diet should limit foods high in salt.

With a significant severity of the lesion, it is recommended to replace the joint, including the prosthesis of the pelvic section of the joint.


Conservative treatment is able to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that hip arthrosis causes in the early stages of development. It helps to numb the soft tissues of the thigh and pelvis and eliminate some other unpleasant manifestations. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on diclofenac or ibuprofen are used. They must be administered intramuscularly, taken orally, or smeared on the affected area. Muscle relaxants are also used to reduce muscle spasms of the diseased limb. Drug treatment consists in prescribing a long course of chondroprotectors and vitamin complexes.

physical therapy

Healing of arthrosis of the hip joint is possible at the initial stage of its course with the help of physiotherapy. It can also be used after prolonged drug exposure and the elimination of signs of the inflammatory process. This type of procedure can help reduce muscle spasms and restore functional activity to the joint.

If the patient has an initial stage of pathology, then it makes sense to conduct the following types of physiotherapy:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • paraffin applications;
  • sludge treatment;
  • Baths with essential oils.

home remedies

Horseradish root for osteoarthritis of the hip

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint with non-traditional methods involves the use of various means. For this purpose, you can also use crushed mint and aloe leaves with the addition of petroleum jelly to give viscosity and better application. Celandine soaked in olive oil for 2 weeks is useful. Horseradish root compresses or healing mud packs are also used.

In most cases, traditional methods of treating rheumatic pathology include the use of various medicinal ointments, creams and gels as topical therapy. Traditional medicine also uses drugs in the form of ointments. For their preparation, as a rule, natural herbs are used.

Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies at home cannot completely rid you of the disease, but it is quite possible to reduce clinical symptoms such as pain, swelling and inflammation.

exercise therapy and massage

Hip arthrosis with a mild course is treated with these types of exposure. Manual therapy is indicated after the complete elimination of inflammation and pain. Massage should be performed by a doctor after reviewing the patient's medical history. More often, a course of 15 massage sessions is prescribed. Home treatment involves the use of special gymnastic exercises that help restore full functional activity of the joint.

Severe arthrosis is not treated with massage and exercise therapy.


Adequate physical activity helps prevent hip arthrosis, but physical activity leads to rapid wear and tear of cartilage tissue, so it is especially not recommended for people who are predisposed to the occurrence of joint diseases. An untreated hip dislocation or other limb injuries are also dangerous. Proper nutrition with a sufficient supply of vitamins and mineral complexes is also important.